Welcome to the portal that houses the Journals of the Faculdade Católica de Fortaleza (FCF).

The two magazines currently available are Kairós: Revista Acadêmica da Prainha e a Logos & Culturas Revista Acadêmica Multidisciplinar de Iniciação Científica.

Information about each of them is available on their specific websites.



  • Kairós: Revista Acadêmica da Prainha

    Kairós is an interdisciplinary scientific journal from the Faculdade Católica de Fortaleza (FCF) that focuses on the dissemination of scientific articles, reviews and translations, by national and foreign researchers, with a minimum degree of Specialists. Its target audience are teachers, students and those interested, in general, in the Human Sciences, as well as in their discussions and theoretical frameworks. To this end, the journal has a Scientific Committee recognized in its area of expertise.

  • Logos & Culturas Revista Acadêmica Multidisciplinar de Iniciação Científica

    Logos & Culturas is a multidisciplinary journal from the Faculdade Católica de Fortaleza (FCF) that focuses on the dissemination of scientific articles, reviews and translations, of students who are new to research, including undergraduate and graduate students, who are under the guidance of their professors. Its target audience are teachers, students and the public interested in Human Sciences, as well as in their discussions and theoretical frameworks. Striving for the quality of its publications, the journal has a Scientific Committee recognized in its area of activity.