Prison, a formula of prejudices: an analysis of the concept of delinquency in Michel Foucault


  • Leonardo Brandalise Machado Universidade Federal de Rondônia


Delinquência. Execução Penal. Proximidade Social. Responsabilidade Moral. Filosofia do Direito.


This article aims to analyze the concept of delinquency coined by Michel Foucault and understand its relevance to the present day, studying how the stigmatization of a person as a “delinquent” contributes to the solidification of prejudices in relation to the inmates. To that end, we examine how and why prison creates delinquents, as well as why, even though prison fails to re-socialize and reduce crime, it remains unquestionable. Finally, we will investigate the relationship between social proximity
and moral responsibility; because promove this distancy social was used like a planejed estrategy in a process of creation of prejudices in rellationship a minorys, like the Jews in nazism and black peolple in United States. We conclude by the need for the political power to create spaces of approximation between civil society and convicts, so that prejudices in relation to these are reduced and, consequently, have a possibility of a better better resocialization.


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2021-12-31 — Updated on 2023-02-28

How to Cite

BRANDALISE MACHADO, L. Prison, a formula of prejudices: an analysis of the concept of delinquency in Michel Foucault. Kairós: Revista Acadêmica da Prainha, Fortaleza, v. 17, n. 2, p. 94–109, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


