Escândalo da dedução e informação semântica de uma perspectiva inferencial-pragmática


  • Ralph Leal Heck


The purpose of this article is to the information problem generated in a deduction demands a new perspective for semantic information. First, it is necessary to change the philosophical presuppositions in the analysis of the deduction's problems, evaluating it fromthe Robert Brandom's philosophy of language, where professor Anderson Beraldo Araújo proposed an information theory that solves part of the question. The other part is solved with the expansion of the information measurement framework, in order to calculate the informational contribution of the very constitutive rules of the deduction activity. This conclusion is suggested when we articulate the work of Araújo and the formalizationproposed by Richard Evans, also based on Robert Brandom, combined with the AGM paradigm of operations on beliefs in the form of Horn clauses. The exhibition is divided into three parts. In the first one, I began with an introduction to the concept of information, delimit the type of theory that will be object of investigation and evaluate three theories of this domain: Carnap and Bar-Hillel; Hintikka and D'Agostinho and Floridi. In the second part, I produce an overview of the main philosophical categories that make up Bradom's philosophy of language. Finally, I present Evan's formalization that models the scenario of the debate among several subjects followed by the information theory of Araújo, where the deduction produces measurable information, from a set of beliefs manipulated in a given structure representing a subject. In view of this, I present the AGM paradigm to express the instance that operates rules, enabling us to follow the structural processes and changes on subjects and rules while the debate occurs.



How to Cite

LEAL HECK, R. Escândalo da dedução e informação semântica de uma perspectiva inferencial-pragmática. Kairós: Revista Acadêmica da Prainha, Fortaleza, v. 15, n. 1, p. 82–103, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.