Neuropsicologia e bioética: um ensaio sobre o diálogo interdisciplinar


  • Francisco Antônio Francileudo
  • Cybele Ribeiro Espindola


Bioethics. Neuropsychology. Neurosciences.


The present qualitative study of hermeneutic interpretation focuses the impeller factors of the emergence of Bioethics, excelling the scientific and technologic revolution, as science of the human survival and its frontiers with the several fields of knowing. Neuropsychology stands out between the Neurosciences disciplines and their clinical contributes over neurobiological bases of behavior and cognition. It has as objective to dialog about interdisciplinary challenge between Bioethics and Neuropsychology integrating mainly a reflection about themes as autonomy and free and clarifying consent with patients in neuropsychological attendance. We inquire about science’s chimeras for triumphing over disease and ethiological and physiological therapies and their progression forms.


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How to Cite

FRANCILEUDO, F. A.; ESPINDOLA, C. R. Neuropsicologia e bioética: um ensaio sobre o diálogo interdisciplinar. Kairós: Revista Acadêmica da Prainha, Fortaleza, v. 7, n. 2, 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


