O fenômeno humano: aspectos antropológicos-teológicos


  • Luiz Alencar Libório


Christianity and modernity. Evolutionism. Creationism. Creative evolutionism. Full love.


In the bicentennial of Charles Darwin's birth and before the persistent existent noise, in the academic means, between creationism and evolutionism, seen as antagonistic for the that culture, as well as, sometimes, for our days, it is sought, with that article, to do a reflection on the Jesuit's thought, Pierre Teilhard of Chardin, priest, biologist and paleontologist that tries to put a synthesis vision
(creative evolutionism) on the problem. Of course that attempt of breaking paradigms pleases some people and it displeases the other ones. However, Chardin had the great daring of putting something new and of seeing God throbbing in whole evolutionary process. The matter is a moment in the Spirit and God is the Alpha, Half and Omega of whole evolutionary process, being everything called to the full Love, having man a privileged place in that process: protagonist, third infinite and arrow of the evolution.


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DALLE NOGARE, Pedro. Humanismo e anti-humanismos em conflito. São Paulo: HERDER, 1973.

DE LUBAC, Henri. La pensée religieuse du Père Teilhard de Chardin. Paris: Aubier, 1962, p. 286.

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MINOIS, G. L’Église et la science. Histoire d’un malentendu. T.2. Paris: Fayard, 1991.

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PIO X. Pascendi Domini Gregis. Roma: LEV, 1907.

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How to Cite

LIBÓRIO, L. A. O fenômeno humano: aspectos antropológicos-teológicos. Kairós: Revista Acadêmica da Prainha, Fortaleza, v. 7, n. 1, p. 77–118, 2010. Disponível em: https://ojsteste.ojs.catolicadefortaleza.edu.br/index.php/kairos/article/view/220. Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.


