A noção de natureza como participação em Santo Tomás de Aquino (De Substantiis Separatis, C.9)


  • Luís Carlos Silva de Sousa


Nature. Participation. God. Creature. St. Thomas.


Our objective is to analyze the notion of nature in De substantiis separatis, c. 9, of St. Thomas. The term “natura” is derived from “nascor”, to be born. It is linked to generation, sustenance of things. To the Greek, "nature" was already an answer to the problem of being. Starting from the idea of Creation, the notion of nature in St. Thomas assumes a meaning not only regarding the origin, but also the end. Through the influx of neo-platonic tradition, the way of nature is examined as circulatio, starting from God and returning to God. Nature as God’s creature is a theme based on the difference between the predication models: per essentiam and per participationem.



How to Cite

SOUSA, L. C. S. de. A noção de natureza como participação em Santo Tomás de Aquino (De Substantiis Separatis, C.9). Kairós: Revista Acadêmica da Prainha, Fortaleza, v. 5, n. 2, 2008. Disponível em: https://ojsteste.ojs.catolicadefortaleza.edu.br/index.php/kairos/article/view/236. Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.


