Um recorte demarcador na ética contemporânea: a perspectiva terapêutica


  • Eliana Sales Paiva


Sad passion. Action Pathology. Politic age. Therapeutic age.


The contemporarity put in “check mate” the messianic belief on science, for really science, that had promised a truth and a progress, launched everyone and everything in an incertainty place. The debate about the performance of the science shows up by coming from other wisdoms as art, philosophy, religion, politics; all with the same source: the ethic question, generating this “sad passion” that we are living: an “action pathology”. From this remark I try to consider that present time is marked by the change of the politic age (from the aimed criticism of the Frankfurt school, or from the German emancipation perspective, or from French exertion proposal, or from innovation of ethic and politic re-signification of the aesthetics incetived by biopolitics) to therapeutic age (from Watzlawick, Berne, the NLP programs: Neurolinguistic Promagration, Positive Thinking, Personal Neuroses and Psicoses Treatment).


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How to Cite

PAIVA, E. S. Um recorte demarcador na ética contemporânea: a perspectiva terapêutica. Kairós: Revista Acadêmica da Prainha, Fortaleza, v. 5, n. 1, p. 60–68, 2008. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


