Ética complexa e o direito


  • Thomas Félix Mastronardi


World crisis. Hermeneutic method. Complex ethics. Right.


In front of the chaotic situation about hungry, misery and all kinds of human rights aggressions, demands anpersonal posture with temptative of a now social order. It ́s necessary to emphasize the importance and need of Right in democratic argumentation of an ethic propose. But we have to consider that it isn ́t sufficient a speech ethics: it ́s also necessary an alive ethics. In this sense it ́s fit the question: Why to write nowadays one ethics more? It ́s necessary an ethics that establishes basic parameters for conviving one with another, with nature and with himself. But we don ́t need to invent a new ethics, only to interligate some ethics one with another, by making nets between paradigmata and different principles of the existing ethics. This present essay intends to develop by way of the hermeneutic method.



How to Cite

MASTRONARDI, T. F. Ética complexa e o direito. Kairós: Revista Acadêmica da Prainha, Fortaleza, v. 5, n. 1, p. 79–91, 2008. Disponível em: https://ojsteste.ojs.catolicadefortaleza.edu.br/index.php/kairos/article/view/250. Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


