Responsabilidade social: a busca por uma nova ética na pós-modernidade


  • Janine Barreira Leandro
  • Laudemira Silva Rabelo


Social Responsibility. After-Modernity. Ethics. Third Sector.


The neoliberal globalization allowed the three economic sectors - government, companies and organized civil society - to modify its functions and to innovate. The Second Sector - companies - in the search for new customers, allegiance of current and the consolidation of its mark has acquired, in last the ten years, functions partners and mainly ambient, who before were only restricted of the Welfare of the State. This article has as objective to reflect on these Social actions for damages front to the new necessities of market, that brings obtains the search for new ethics in After-Modernity. The conflict of being socially just and ambiently correct if comes across with the search for the enterprise economic sustainability, that visualizes the profit in short term. The Social Responsibility comes to balance this tripod, when disclosing that the poverty hinders the enterprise development and profiting the cost of the health of the planet disables the enterprise sustainability in long stated period.


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How to Cite

LEANDRO, J. B.; RABELO, L. S. Responsabilidade social: a busca por uma nova ética na pós-modernidade. Kairós: Revista Acadêmica da Prainha, Fortaleza, v. 4, n. 2, 2007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.


