Interiorismo: sugestão para uma saída do beco-sem-saída da teologia das religiões


  • Gerhard Gäde
  • Michael Kosubek


Theology of religion. Religious pluralism. Word of God. Relation of Old and New Testament.


In general the three conventional classification models within theology of religion are considered as the only possible options for a theological evaluation of non-christian religions. The present article shows that this is a dead-end. The author suggests an alternative which he develops from the perspective of Christian faith and which he names “interiorism”. This option is based on two methodic presuppositions: 1. the understanding of the unilateralness of the relation of all created reality to God and 2. the canonic relation of both Testaments of the bipartite Christian Bible. This relation is the model for a Christian hermeneutics of the religions introduced by the Bible itself. This way it becomes possible attribute to other religions not only partial but unsurpassable truth.



How to Cite

GÄDE, G.; KOSUBEK, M. Interiorismo: sugestão para uma saída do beco-sem-saída da teologia das religiões. Kairós: Revista Acadêmica da Prainha, Fortaleza, v. 4, n. 2, 2007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.


