Santo Agostinho e a controvérsia pelagiana


  • Marlesson Castelo Branco do Rego


Agustin. Pelagius. Controversy. Original sin.


This work approaches a religious reform movement, originating in Rome, between the fourth and fifth centuries, that accidently received the name of your leader, Pelagius. The principal question of the pelagianism was if the Adam’s sin had results at human creature. In this context of pelagian controversy, a systematic doctrine about the Adam’s sin was elaborated by Saint Agustin. The Bishop of Hipona used the expression “original sin” and proposed a system against the pelagians, that to acted on history and life of occidental Christianity. However, a evolutive perspective about the “original sin” doctrine considerating two periods, before and after Pelagius, conduces to a reflection about the importance of the ecclesiastics resolutions that confirmed the agustinian solution, provoking an impact on Ocident, so today is very difficult to measure the importance of “original sin” on spirits and on all social levels.


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How to Cite

DO REGO, M. C. B. Santo Agostinho e a controvérsia pelagiana. Kairós: Revista Acadêmica da Prainha, Fortaleza, v. 3, n. 2, 2006. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.


