Do medo à sociedade: a passagem do estado de natureza para a sociedade civil em Thomas Hobbes


  • Michel Platinir da Silva Damasceno


Passions. Fear. Equality. Freedom. Natural State. Sovereign state.


In this article we will present the departure from the state of nature for the formation of civil status, from the perspective of the political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes. Therefore, it is essential that we go through some preliminary themes that will help us to better understand the proposed subject. From this perspective, we will begin to develop our text by analyzing human passions, considered by the author to be intrinsic to man, especially in this pre-social state. It will also be imperative to point out some characteristics of this period, such as the absence of laws. After that we will deal with the contribution of fear to the creation of the social pact, especially the fear of violent death, which is a constant disposition in this pre-political state. Soon after we will discuss the concept of radical freedom and inexorable equality that underlies this field of war and constant hostilities, which is the state of nature in which men find themselves in a constant battle of all against all. Finally, we will examine the necessity of the foundation of the social pact, or social contract, with a view to the constitution of the space of politics, under the theme of the Hobbesian sovereign civil status.


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How to Cite

DAMASCENO, M. P. da S. Do medo à sociedade: a passagem do estado de natureza para a sociedade civil em Thomas Hobbes. Kairós: Revista Acadêmica da Prainha, Fortaleza, v. 16, n. especial, p. 82–99, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.


