Comentário ao livro de Lutero sobre o Magnificat


  • Aíla Luzia Pinheiro de Andrade
  • Joaquim Fernando Pontes
  • João Frota Melo


Luther. Magnificat. Song of Mary. Politicl ethics.


The paper is the result of a study carried out by the students of the second year of the bachelor’s degree in Theology at the Catholic Faculty of Fortaleza during the first semester of 2017. The objective of the study was to deepen a work of Luther in view of the celebration of the 500 years of the Reformation. Since for Catholic 2017 is also a year dedicated to Mary, Luther’s commentary on the Magnificat, the song of praise of the Virgin Mary, in the Gospel of Luke. Of all the works presented, two were chosen as the most significant, not detracting the others. The paper it is apropiate, therefore, as the fruit of this collective study, aims to present a synthesis of the main themes Luther’s commentary on the Magnificat. This commentary is of relevance for present days, either to clarify important themes of Christian faith, from the reflection of the Holy Scriptures, or for present Mary’s role in relation to the theme of grace. In this article are approached the hermeneutical principles of Luther by which he understood the Magnificat focusing the main works of God, namely, Mercy and Justice.


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How to Cite

ANDRADE, A. L. P. de; PONTES, J. F.; MELO, J. F. . Comentário ao livro de Lutero sobre o Magnificat. Kairós: Revista Acadêmica da Prainha, Fortaleza, v. 13, p. 52–64, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


