A clínica psicológica refletida a partir de Edith Stein: humanologia


  • Andrés Eduardo Aguirre Antúnez


Structure of personality. Empathy. Clinical psychology.


Studies on the structure of human personality and empathy have expanded the understanding of patient care in psychotherapy in my clinical practice, teaching and research. These studies invited me to a deconstruction of psychological therapy. From Edith Stein found a humanology, which is more close to the reality of lived experience than studies in psychology and psychoanalysis. The human person is understood in body, psyche and spirit, enlarges psychology. The study of empathy repositions the way of being with others in the clinic. Prior to sympathy and antipathy, empathy is a mode of knowledge of each other and itself from what happens in inter-subjectivity. The contemporary world shows us the difficulties that we humans have to face and believe that any attempt to diagnose a person directs us to a reductionism of all the potential that is inherent to human beings. From Stein, the diagnosis turns to the experience. Accordingly, any symptom becomes a mere adjunct before the biggest disease affecting humans, prejudice. Edith Stein showed us how it is possible to break with the prejudices of an ethical manner, starting with their own story, full of suffering and similarities between the way of being Jewish and Catholic. The essence common to these different ways of being lies in humanity. I want this exhibition to reflect on the profound contributions of Stein for clinical psychology from the study of the human.


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ALES BELLO, A. Fenomenologia e ciências humanas: implicações éticas. Memorandum, 11, 28-34, 2006b.

ALES BELLO, A. Fenomenologia e ciências humanas: psicologia, história e religião. Organização e tradução Miguel Mahfoud e Marina

Massimi. Bauru, São Paulo: EDUSC, 2004.

FELDMAN, C. Edith Stein: Judia, atéia e monja. Tradução Eurides Avance de Souza. Bauru, São Paulo: EDUSC, 2001.

HUSSERL, E. Investigações lógicas. Segundo Volume. Parte I. Investigações para a fenomenologia e a teoria do conhecimento. Lisboa:

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SAFRA, G. Transferência: o estar diante, o estar em, o estar com. São Paulo: Edições Sobornost, DVD1, 2, 3, 4.

SAFRA, G. Hermenêutica na situação clínica. O desvelar da singularidade pelo idioma pessoal. São Paulo: Edições Sobornost, 2006.

SAFRA, G. A po-ética na clínica contemporânea. Aparecida: Idéias e Letras, 2004.

SAFRA, G. A face estética do self. Teoria e Clínica. São Paulo: Unimarco Editora, 1999.

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How to Cite

ANTÚNEZ, A. E. A. A clínica psicológica refletida a partir de Edith Stein: humanologia. Kairós: Revista Acadêmica da Prainha, Fortaleza, v. 8, n. 2, 2011. Disponível em: https://ojsteste.ojs.catolicadefortaleza.edu.br/index.php/kairos/article/view/178. Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.


